Saturday, November 29, 2008

Benjamin is 7 months old

Benjamin turned 7 months old on the 17th of November.

Here are some (well, a lot of) photos of him during his 7th month of his life: please visit my other photo album site

(Please type in "guest" for User Name and "shootingstar" for Password.)

Hope you will enjoy them!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Dad's Roller Coaster (video)

Just a short video clip, in which Benjamin gets a ride on "Dad's Roller Coaster". Quite an exciting one, it seems...
enjoy! ^^

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Dad feeds Benjamin (video)

I almost erased this video clip by accident, but thank goodness, I stopped recording something else on top of it just in time to save the funniest part.

In this video clip, Amar (Dad) is feeding Benjamin.
For some reason, Amar is acting funny in this video - he seems teasing Benjamin by not giving him the spoon straight away at the beginning, and then when I ask him to give him a training bottle, he starts examining it opening the cap, closing it, and opening and closing it again, and AGAIN@@

Enjoy ^^

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Benjamin sits and plays now

Just after I wrote the last post ("Benjamin started sitting by himself"), I noticed that Benjamin had been sitting (much more upright now!) and playing very happily for a long time. And I couldn't resist taking yet another video of him sitting and playing by himself!

So here it is. Enjoy! ^^

The Day Benjamin started sitting by himself

Here is another video clip.
I took this short video for a record of Benjamin's starting sitting by himself.
It happened to be the Halloween day (Oct. 31st), so he is wearing a halloween outfit (Little Pumpkin).

This is just when he started being able to support his upper body with his hands while sitting by himself, so his back is not upright yet --- at this point he could only sit upright for a moment or two.

About a week later, though, he started being able to sit upright for quite a long time --- more than 5 minutes at a time, and now he can sit and play by himself for a very long time very happily.^^

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Benjamin on a swing!

Last week, when I took him to a park for our usual walk, I let him sit in a swing fin the park or the first time.
He loved it!! (as his big smile in these photos learly shows ...)
Please take a look at a video clip too.
(The first half was recorded by myself, and the second half was recorded by Hiromi, a friend of mine who is a Mom to a 1-year-old girl, Maya. We are talking in Japanese --- sorry about that, to those who cannot understand Japanese! ;-) But we are just saying something like, "Wow--- Taku-chan (=Benjamin) loves a swing, don't you! Yes, you sure do!" "Wow --- Maya already can wave her hand, and can even do "High-Five!" and things like that. ^^) Hope you will enjoy!