Friday, December 26, 2008

Benjamin's recent cute habit (tilting his head)

One of Benjamin's recent habits is to tilt his head when he gets curious about something and tries to see that object from different perspective (well, that is at least what I guess).

When he does that, he looks so cute --- he looks as if he is wondering about something, and/or he is determined to find out what this most mysterious object in front of him can ever be! (That object is usually something like a moving ceiling fan or a flickering of sunlight coming through the window. ;-)

He also tilts his head when I initiate it - he copies me when I tilt my head as if wondering about something. In those times he looks as though he is wondering what his Mom is thinking or wondering about, which makes me laugh and smile.

Enjoy the film clip ;-)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

video clip of "Nanny Feeds Benjamin"

One of the video clips I recorded while Christine - Benjamin's Nanny - was staying with us for about two weeks just before the Christmas.

I believe this makes a nice Chirstmas present for Christine --- enjoy!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Brunch at Birdhouse Restaurant (in the McCormicks Creek State Park)

Last Sunday (Dec. 7th) we drove up north to the McCormicks Creek State Park, the oldest state park in Indiana, and had a brunch at the "Birdhouse Restaurant" in Canyon Inn, one of the bed & breakfasts in the park.

The outlook of Canyon Inn

The Birdhouse Restaurant is so called because there are a lot of birdfeeders are hung around the restaurant and you can see many different kinds of birds coming to feed from the feeders through the windows.

Benjamin looks so small compared to the big table of the restaurant! And he also looks like a tiny bird perching on the table --- just like those birds around the restaurant! :-)

At the end of the brunch, Benjamin got a priveledge of being held by Daddy so that he could look out at the landscape through the window. He seemed to be enjoying it a lot.

It had snowed quite a bit the day before, so we (especially Christine and Benjamin) got to enjoy the wintery, snowy landscapes, as well as the birds and the state park itself. I must say, Christine has been quite lucky with the weather during her stay!