Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Last Sunday morning (21st Jan.), we woke up to find a pure white world around the house - it was the first snow this year, and in this winter season. It had been really a mild, warm winter, but it seems the winter finally caught up with the passing of the season.

Amar shovelled snow, while I "fluffed around" (a favourite term of Amar's to tease me) trying in vain to make a snow man. Some kids in the neighborhood ran to our garden, aiming at using one of the trees in our front yard as a "fort" for throwing snow balls around (in Japanese, we literally call the game "snow ball battles").

I was smiling at these innocent kids, thinking that kids are the same everywhere, when I suddenly felt something hit me by back ... it was Amar's snow ball! Yes, I do already have a kid in our house, thank goodness ;-)


Sonia said...

Hi Michiko!

Am I the first person to leave a message on this blog ?... That would be an honour ;)
Your photos made me quite melancholic, as I miss the snow so much. Here in Paris, it hasn't snowed for three years...

Very warmly,

Sonia + Family

Sonia said...

By the way... in German and French, we say "snow ball battles" too:
Batailles de boules de neige (in french)
Schneeballschlachten (in German)!


kiwismile said...

Dear Sonia,
Welcome! to my blog. And thank you for your comments.
I didn't realize that it hasn't snowed in Paris for three years. The last time I visited Paris (I think it was 2001-2002 winter) it was one of the coldest winters in Paris and my flight was cancelled due to the snow in the airport.
It seems the global warming or weather changing is taking over all over the world, isn't it? Here in Bloomington, too, it had been an incredibly warm winter until it finally snowed last week.

Anyways, let's keep in touch and please drop by this blog from time to time.

Unknown said...

This pizza looks really good ;)


kiwismile said...

Hi Sonia,

Thank you Sonia!
Well, at the moment you are the only person who kindly leaves comments to my blog... though it seems there are quite a few people who visit and read my blog.
I am thinking to update my blog about once every two weeks or so, so I hope you keep catching up with my news from time to time.
How are your little boys? I bet they are becoming more and more handsome and lovely...