Saturday, May 19, 2007

From Michiko's Kitchen - Part 2

Here are some photos from my recent kitchen experiments...

*** Baking ***

Left: Two baguetts with commercial dry yeast (5/18/07) Right: English Muffins with commercial dry yeast (5/14/07)

Left: Digestive Biscuits with Chocolate Coating Right: Raisin and Walnut Bread with Home-grown Raisin Yeast

Left: Banana Bread with Amish Bread Starter Right: Spicy Ginger Cookies


Oil Sardin, Potato and Apple Casserole

Left: Pumpkin and Tomato Soup Right: Tofu Satay with Nutty Sauce

Left: Sardin and potato casserole, and Roasted Peppers Stuffed with Hummus-Miso paste Right: Hidziki Gyoza, Stir-fried Shrimps and Broccoli in a creamy sauce)

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