Wednesday, August 8, 2007

An Incovenient Truth

Amar and I saw this film called "An Inconvenient Truth" the other night. It stars the former-vice-President Al Gore, who is said to have been studying about Global Warming issues since 1970s and has so far given lectures to public on this issue more than 1000 times all over the world. The film mainly consists of recording clips of his recent lecture, and the lecture is quite impressive and persuasive.

Moving to the US from Japan, my honest feelings are that the US is very much behind the time about ecological issues. I know there are many conscious and conscientious people as well in this country, but the US system (how the trash collection is organized in most states, counties, and cities; how much energy is wasted for unneccesary air-conditioning in so many places; lack of public transportation and thus how much oil is wasted on cars everyone is driving everywhere; etc.) I find it so ecologically unfriendly.

Especially when I see that there are still so many people in this country throwing any kinds of trash (can, glass, food, and paper) in the same trash bin all together, I feel so angry and then almost sad that I am so powerless, unable to change any of these I observe here almost every day.

I know it is not easy for us to change our habits nor for the government to change the already-existing system (such as public transport infrastracture, for example). And yet, I also believe that there are so many things every one of us can do to improve the situation. This film gives you many hints about what we as individuals can do if we want to.

So - if you haven't watched it yet, I recommend you to do so - the sooner, the better!

You can take a look at their official website at:


Unknown said...


Please don't be get too pessimistic about the environment :) (and don't believe everything Al Gore says. :)

He is the "Malthus" of the 21st century.

Great website, of course! Very much looking forward to the baby pics.

p.s. and yes, i can see the Amar resemblance already!

Anonymous said...

Hi Craig,

Thank you for your comment!
Well, yes, I will try not to be too pessimistic about the environment, but will try to do what I could do to contribute to improve the situation as an individual, even if each of such things may seem small and insignificant...

Anyway, thank you again for your generous comment on this blog site, and yes, please look forward to the baby pics^^